Multiplication Worksheets Grade 4 (With PDF)

Multiplication is an easier way of repeated addition. So, the basic operation of repeated addition is simplified by multiplication. The time and effort required for doing addition repeatedly are reduced by the basic operation of mathematics known as multiplication. It is represented by the signs cross ‘×’, asterisk ‘*’, or dot ‘·’. Multiplication is an arithmetic operation which provides the product of two or more numbers. There are two important terms associated with multiplication:

  • Factors: The numbers that are multiplied are called the factors.
  • Product: The result that we get after multiplication is called the product.

For example, 6 X 4 =24; Here 6 and 4 are factors of multiplication and 24 is the product.

Let’s explore more while solving the multiplication worksheets grade 4 provided below:

Multiplication Worksheets Grade 4

Q1. Fill in the blanks to solve the following multiplication worksheets.

  1. 32 x 41 x 56 = 41 x ___ x 32
  2. (44 x 56) x 11= 44 x (___ x 11)
  3. 760 x 0 = _____
  4. 18 x 20 x ____ = 12 x 18 x 20
  5. 250 x 0 x 250 =______
  6. ____ x 673 x 61=328424
  7. 129 x ___ = 7 x _____
  8. 42 x 51 x 12 = 51 x ___ x 42
  9. (19 x ___) x 33 = ____ x (24 x 33)
  10. (18 x 11) x 22 = 18 x (___ x 22)
  11. 8+8+8+8+8+8+8+8 =16 +_________x 8
  12. 6 sevens =3 x 7 + _________
  13. 8 tens = 7 x 8 + __________
  14. 12 x 60 = 8 x 60 + ___ x 60
  15. 16 x 80 = 7 x 80 + ____ x 80
  16. 17 multiplied by it selves is ______.
  17. 32 sevens is equal to ___________.
  18. 45 cars have __________ wheels.
  19. Multiply six tens eight ones by three. The answer is_________.
  20. Multiply 8 tens 5 ones by 18. The answer is_____________.

Q2. Circle the numbers which are:

1.    Multiples of 6

42     56     78     102     136

2.    Multiples of 8

48     60     72      112       155

3. Multiples of 12

66     84     132      180     196

4. Multiples of 14

52     76      98      210      252

5. Multiples of 15

65     135     195    285     325

6. Multiples of 18

56     90      128     196      270

7. Multiples of 23

92     161    209      253     345

8. Multiples of 25

340   550    775      920    1025

See also  Addition worksheets for grade 3 (pdf)

Q3. Multiplication Worksheet of Multiple choice Questions for Grade 4

  1. Multiplication is the short form of repeated _____________
    1. Multiplication        b. Addition       c. Subtraction
  2. 74 x 32 = 32 x ____
    1. 2368         b. 74                  c. 32
  3. 45 x 100 = ?
    1. 450           b. 45                  c. 4500
  4. 25 x 25 =?
    1. 325           b. 425                 c. 625
  5. _______ x 6 = 60
    1. 5               b. 7                     c. 10
  6. 75 x _____ =12 x 75
    1. 0              b. 12                   c. 75
  7. 13 x 13 =?
    1. 169          b. 129                 c. 149
  8. 600 x 0 =?
    1. 60             b. 600                c. 0
  9. 63 x 64 =?
    1. 4023         b. 4032              c. 4142
  10. 965 x 40 =?
    1. 38600        b. 38500            c. 3760

Q4. Using the multiplication method answer the following grade 4 multiplication worksheets

  1. 232 x61 = ___________
  2. 125 x 11 = __________
  3. 255 x 78 =____________
  4. 341 x 16 =____________
  5. 430 x 0 = __________
  6. 500 x 70 = ____________
  7. 511 x 22 = ____________
  8. 620 x 17 = __________
  9. 401 x 10 = __________
  10. 609 x 31 = ____________

Q5. Which digit should come in place of ____, to complete the following multiplication worksheets grade 4

  1. 4 ___ 7 x 7 = 3339
    1. 3     b. 7      c. 5
  2. 2 ___ 6 x 5 = 1230
    1. 6     b. 4         c. 2
  3. 5 ___ 3 x 7 = 4151
    1. 2     b. 5          c. 9
  4. 7 ___ 4 x 6 = 4524
    1. 7      b. 5          c. 2
  5. 85__ x 4 = 3400
    1. 5     b. 9           c. 0
  6. 76___ x 2 = 1522
    1. 1        b. 8          c. 6
  7. ___59 x 9 = 3231
    1. 3       b. 5          c. 4
  8. 49_ x 2= 980
    1. 4       b. 5          c. 0
  9. 20 __ x 6 = 1200
    1. 0     b. 2      c. 5
  10. Which of the following is not equal to the multiplication 84 x 47?
    1. 80 x47+4 x 47  b.84 x 40×7  c. 82 x 47+2x 47
  11. Which of the following is equal to the multiplication 72 x 36?
    1. 70 x 36 +2 x 36  b. 72×30 x 6  c. 72×30+72 x6
  12. When 7854 is multiplied by A, we get 235620. Find the value of A?
    1. 28           b. 30                   c. 35
  13. One dozen of kiwi cost ₹ 50, then what is the cost of 12 dozen of kiwi?
    1. 640            b.   780               c. 600
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Q6. Solve the following grade 4 multiplication worksheets

  1. A car has 4 wheels. How many wheels do 95 cars have altogether?
  2. Deep is 9 years old. His elder brother is three times as old as deep. How old is Deep’s elder brother?
  3. Four classes of a school went to visit a science city. There were 25 pupils in each class. How many pupils went to the science city?
  4. A newspaper stall sold 160 newspapers in a day. How many newspapers were sold in a week?
  5. Arnab is going to fix the wheels for 129 tricycles. How many wheels does he need?
  6. A shampoo factory produces 1785 shampoo bottles per day. How many shampoo bottles will it produce in 16 weeks, if every Friday is a holiday?
  7. Biswas saves ₹ 1268 every month. How much money will he save in 12 years?
  8. Mithu has 12 matchboxes with 65 sticks in each box. How many sticks Mithu has in all?
  9. Monisha worked for 9 hours at the presentation. She was paid ₹ 250 an hour. How much did she earn?
  10. Sushma collects ₹ 350 per month from each of her customers by selling her jewelry. If she has 75 customers, how much money does he collect in all?
  11. Risab won a box of chocolates at a competition. He gave away 6 chocolates to each of his 4 friends. Then he gave 8 chocolates to his sister. He found that still, he had 12 chocolates left. How many chocolates were in the box?
  12. A fruit stall has 15 times as many apples as pineapples. If it has 26 pineapples, how many apples does it have?
  13. 4 schools participated in a basketball competition. Each team consists of 12 players and 2 extra players for an emergency . How many players participated in all?
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2 thoughts on “Multiplication Worksheets Grade 4 (With PDF)”

  1. Very useful worksheet. Generally when we search for online material for math, we don’t get Indian stories or currency. I’m glad that u r making useful and thought provoking worksheets. Great job.


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