General Knowledge Worksheet on Countries and Capitals [With PDF]

It is interesting to know that in the world where we live, there are 195 Countries. Among them, Russia is the largest, and Vatican City is the smallest country. Each country has their capitals. In this worksheet, we will learn more about a few countries and their capitals.

General Knowledge Worksheet on Countries and Capitals

Answers to the questions are provided at the end of the worksheet. Option for printing and making pdf is provided at the end of the article.

1. Match Column A with Column B to match the Countries with their Capitals

Country NameCapital
1. AfghanistanA. Canberra
2. ArgentinaB. Ottawa
3. AustraliaC. Beijing
4. BelgiumD. Copenhagen
5. BrazilE. Cairo
6. CanadaF. Brasilia
7. ChinaG. Paris
8. DenmarkH. Brussels
9. EgyptI. Kabul
10. FranceJ. Buenos Aires

2. Fill in the blanks with countries and capitals

  1. ______________ is the Capital of Greece
  2. The capital of Indonesia is ____________
  3. ____________ is the Capital of Iran
  4. The capital of Israel is ______________________
  5. ________________ is the capital of Italy.
  6. The name of capital of Japan is __________________
  7. _________________ is the capital of South Korea.
  8. The capital of Malaysia is ___________________
  9. _______________________ is the capital of Mauritius
  10. The capital of Nepal is ________________________
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3. Answer the following questions?

  1. What is the capital of the Netherlands?
  2. Wellington is the capital of which country?
  3. What is the capital of Oman?
  4. Manila is the capital of which country?
  5. What is the capital of Portugal?
  6. Doha is the capital of which country?
  7. What is the capital of Russia?
  8. What is the capital of Singapore?
  9. Cape Town is the capital of which country?
  10. What is the capital of Sri Lanka?

4. Choose the correct answer from the answer key provided below for the given questions?

(Answer Key: Uzbekistan, Kiev, Harare, Washington DC, UAE, Bangkok, Switzerland, Ankara, Vietnam, Sanaa)

a. Berne is the capital of which country?
b. Write the capital of Thailand?
c. What is the capital of Turkey?
d. Can you write the capital of Ukraine?
e. Abu Dhabi is the capital of which country?
f. What is the capital of the USA?
g. Hanoi is the capital of which country?
h. Can you write the capital of Zimbabwe?
i. Do you know the capital of Yemen?
j. Tashkent is the capital of which country?

5. In Column A, National Flags of few countries are provided. Write the name of the countries in column B and capitals in column C?

Answers to the above questions:

1- 1-I; 2-J; 3-A; 4-H; 5-F; 6-B; 7-C; 8-D; 9-E; 10-G

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2- 1-Athens; 2-Jakarta; 3-Tehran; 4-Jerusalem; 5-Rome; 6-Tokyo; 7-Seoul; 8-Kuala Lumpur; 9-Port Louis; 10-Kathmandu

3- 1-Amsterdam; 2-New Zealand; 3-Muscat; 4-Philippines; 5-Lisbon; 6-Qatar; 7-Moscow; 8-Singapore; 9-South Africa; 10-Colombo

4- a. Switzerland; b. Bangkok; c.Ankara; d. Kiev; e. UAE; f. Washington DC; g. Vietnam; h. Harare; i. Sanaa; j. Uzbekistan

5-A. Germany-a.Berlin; B. Spain-b. Madrid; C. India-c. New Delhi; D. Colombia-d. Bogota; E. Thailand-e. Bangkok, F. Sweden-f. Stockholm; G. Norway-g. Oslo; H. Denmark-h. Copenhagen; I. Austria-i. Vienna; J. Venezuela-j. Caracas

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